Often times I find myself on the listening end of people's problems, and even though an official research haven't been conducted, I have composed a short list of reasons why black women can't be friends. WARNING: THIS LIST MAY BE A BIT STEREOTYPICAL
And honestly I could just stop there, because that's where the problem pretty much starts. I work at a place where out of 22 employees, 13 are black women. We're going to use my bestie/coworker, Shay, for this example. She started as a housekeeper, moved up to room inspector, and finally made her way to the front desk. Her boyfriend makes his money, maybe not in a taxable manner, but nonetheless baby girl was pushin a BMW, wearing all the COOGI/Forces/Jordans she can buy, and keeping her nails and hair DID. The same heffas that were riding backseat in the beemer and taking advantage of her hookups, were the same ones rolling their eyes and talking mad shit about her. Just thinking about it now has me a bit misty-eyed. We are talking about a girl who would just about give you the shirt off of her back and the same people she calls her 'friends' continue to do her dirty. Why? I think- and you can just call me the ghetto Dr. Phil- that the reason they put her down is because they want to be her. They envy the way she's living her life and they want in. First they start by hanging out with her, observing her habits and try to put them into play but it don't work like that. Friendships created out of jealousy can't properly manifest into a healthy union.

I told you it was going to be short! Lol. A guest passed by and happened to read some of the post. He didn't know it was that serious. Sad to say that it is. When we should be uplifting one another, we're steady trying to knock one another off of our 'pedestals' What is that all about? So what do you think? Did I leave a reason out?
Here is what I want you to do, men and women, for everything negative you say or think about a person- point out something positive about them. And if you can't think of anything positive- then dangnabbit- keep your mouth closed and think about the next pair of shoes you want to buy!
Loves and Like Ya!
Here is what I want you to do, men and women, for everything negative you say or think about a person- point out something positive about them. And if you can't think of anything positive- then dangnabbit- keep your mouth closed and think about the next pair of shoes you want to buy!
Loves and Like Ya!
girl- i dont understand this either and it drives me mad- you said it best-- "When we should be uplifting one another, we're steady trying to knock one another off of our 'pedestals' What is that all about?" I think you covered the reason- Jealousy and Men- jealousy pretty much covers it all though- I wish there was a way to nip this in the bud but its a never ending cycle- been going on for many many years- as for me- I make every attempt to speak when I see another sista cross my path- she may roll her eyes and not speak back but I KNOW THAT I MADE THE EFFORT to show her- it's ok we dont have to be hateful to each other...
A smile and a hello goes a long way
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