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Friday, April 30, 2010

Some People...

We all know a person who we wouldn't mind if they stepped off a curb and got hit by a car. Hold up- that was kinda harsh. Lemme rephrase that opening sentence.

We all know a person who we wouldn't mind if they stepped off a curb and got hit by a car. Hell- it felt right! Lol. Right now that person would be the newest addition to my hotel family. Joy(kill) King. This girl? I'm not sure WHERE they make her at- but they need to halt production ASAP.

First of all (gotta love a sentence that starts off that way) she graduated from college with a bachelor's degree for hospitality. Bad sign right there. Because already, you know they'll be over-eager and you can't tell 'em nothing because they learned it all in class.

Second of all, how you gonna be working somewhere for only two months and only 5 out of 30 coworkers like you? I mean, I understand that this is a job and not a popularity contest, but you don't need to burn any bridges. It's good to have a good working relationship with your coworkers so they can have your back when stuff goes down. The way how it's going now? If that chick is drowning, ain't nobody throwing the heffa a life jacket!

Third of all, it's not serious. It's NEVER that serious! The atmosphere is extremely relaxed at my job. I mean for heaven's sake- the general manager describes herself as PWT. So what's with all the extra this girl is doing? I mean, is she really complaining because there's not enough stuff to do? Where they do that at? And what's with all the notes and emails about what's been going on while the manager is not on property?

So we have this log book at the front desk called the Guest Issue Log. This girl writes paragraphs in this thing. She writes so much, that you can mistake it for her personal diary! And it's unnecessary stuff! So shit, I white it out. Yeah- I did it like twice. And in one of those emails, she said someone was whiting out her entries in the book. Excuse me while I roll my eyes. The icing on the cake was Trina telling her point blank:
"I just want to let you know, there is no room for promotion at this job. Everyone has been in there position for years and they're not going anywhere. Just thought you should know"
Yeah. Homegirl was standing there with the hushmouth stupid face and I was trying my damndest not to laugh out loud. And no, Trina wasn't being catty, it's the absolute truth. It's been a while since I made a list, so I think I should do one.

*Since there's a possibility that I will be leaving the job soon for bigger and better (cross your fingers for me guys) Let's call this list:

  1. Say what's on my mind.
Hey- looky there- that's all I have! Short list. Lol

Loves and Likes Ya!

Monday, April 26, 2010

( : P)

Me: Whatcha doin?
Malachi: Damn homework
Me: LOL, me too! Shouldn't have waited til the last damn minute
Malachi:I feel u. But its like I work betta under pressure. But I know its a bad habit tho.
Me: Yea. It is. But I can't even talk cuz I just cranked out a 4 page paper in an hour and a half.
Malachi: Gotdamn lol
Me:Yea- ya girl got skills
Malachi: Word up. Mad skills
Me: I'll let u get back to ur hw tho so u can get those honor roll grades. lol
Malachi: U already kno ;)
Me: Oh BROTHER! Excuse me while I roll my eyes! lol
Malachi: Be careful before them shyts get stuck like that nigga :)
Me: Full of jokes
Malachi: Indeed

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Is It Bad...

...that last night I got a call from Malachi and I felt a little excited? He called while I was putting the finishing touches on my blog post last night. We chatted a bit. I told him about my recent  new job possibility. He asked if I ever thought of him, and he thought about me the other day in class and...heh heh heh- let's just say ya girl got skills! Excuse me while I POP MY COLLAR! Na, lemme stop. This darn work schedule always jack me up though :( while most people are partying it up, I'm working. Oh wells- guess it's better to earn $$$$ than to spend it.

The funny thing is Shara is waiting. She says she can't wait for me to meet a guy who would change my perspective on relationships and guys. YEA- I'm pretty sure that won't happen anytime soon. A guy is a guy,a dick is a dick, and a relationship is too much of a headache.

Loves and Likes Ya!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Back On The Stroll

So after a series of texts, Sauce left me feeling some kinda way. Not like that. But it was something he said.

"Geez, I'm trying to be a good boyfriend but then you tempt me...geez"
I'm sorry, y'all didn't know he had a girlfriend? Well, honestly I just assumed he was single. Than I saw the status on his Facebook and asked him about it. I was surprised because he doesn't, and never would, strike me as the type to cheat. I dunno, maybe I was being a bit romanticized in the thought- seeing as I would hope he didn't do the same thing to me while we went out. ESPECIALLY since I wasn't giving it up to him. Nevertheless, he told me the situation was very complicated and not like that. I can careless- I just didn't want to be caught off guard in case anything happened.

But that text? (which BTW, was followed with some sex talk- gotta love a tipsy Sauce) That text implies that things just became a little less complicated. He's trying to work it out with the girl. And if he's trying to work it out- then I just need to take that as a cue to fade into the background. So no more texts from me asking "whens the next time u free". Its back to the friend zone with him and I.

That's how I found myself on the patio last Wednesday with Malachi at Wild Wing. Flirting back and forth. I dropped Carmen off and met back up with Malachi at this 24 hr gambling spot owned by some of his people. We just sat and talk, chilled a bit. Can I say that he's a real cool dude? Because he is. And if I don't watch myself- I can really like this guy. He walked me to my car- and got in. Weeeeelllll... some things happened. And every time I look at my back window, I see him writing "hell yea!" on my window. And  I smile. We didn't take it all the way there but mutual attraction will take care of that soon enough. Lose one FB and get another? I didn't even have to go on the stroll for long. Suh-WEET!

Loves and Likes Ya

Monday, April 19, 2010

I'm Feeling Down...

(via text)

Me: ...Tell me a joke

Sauce: Three cats go into a bar, ask for catnip and the bartender gives them catnip.

Me: As LAME as the joke was- that actually made me smile! Thanks

I'm Still Here!

I haven't forgotten about y'all. School has been crazy busy now that the semester is about to end. 5 page research paper on the nation of Islam. 3 page reflection paper. Oral presentation. And exam. And that's all from one class in a span of 3 more weeks. Something tells me I may need a stress reliever and I have the perfect person in mind. ; p

Blog ya Later!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I May Be Crazy But...

After class Monday, I could've sworn I saw Ced's car following me. I was taking the back way so there was NO REASON for him to follow, seeing as he lives on the complete opposite side of town. I first noticed his car when I was pulling out of the parking lot. Now usually, I don't look in no one's rearview mirror (which is how I got my 2 speeding tickets), but something told me to last night and I noticed his car- keeping a respectful distance as to not get spotted.

I was thinking that ol' buddy has finally flipped his lid. I mean, he's never gotten the chance to see where I lived so maybe he was curious? IDK? All I know, is that I lost him when I went to the Dairy Queen. LMAO. You read right. Like the true fat girl I am, I was wanting a Blizzard. So I get in the left turn lane and when I saw the car approaching (in the right lane) I got a good look. I bet dollars to donuts that was him!

Loves and Likes Ya => but that doesn't mean you should stalk me

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Who? ME?!

So you've just been slut-puppying around hunh?
Trina asks me one morning during breakfast. I was telling her the latest drama going on with Ced, the strange absence of D, and the new piercing that made a debut to Sauce the other morning.
Stop hatin'
I respond back. You know what though? After reading through this blog, I think I HAVE become somewhat of a slut-puppy! I can't say that I'm ashamed though. I've been having a good ol' time. I think it's because after the first time D and I broke up, I didn't really do much. Yeah it was a mutual agreement that we should dissolve the relationship, but it still took me by surprise. The relationship ended with unfinished business and as a result, I never felt that it was over. I knew that D would eventually make his way back. In the meantime- I did talk to other guys. There was Jay (moment of silence, please) No. For real? Dude was hella sexy! About 6 foot something. Nice build (because I'm not a slim chick in no sense of the word, I like my guys to be able to fill out something) Light brown eyes, deep voice, and I'm not much of a car person but the whip? Black Chrysler 300 with the chrome rims and tints? Pussy whip. Straight up. There was also Jorge and James (was I stuck on "J" names or what?) None of them serious or even CLOSE to being serious. None of them got to taste the honeybun. And none of them got their Snicker bars nibbled on.

Then D came back. Then we broke up again. No loose ends this time and it felt so DIFFERENT. It just hit me like- Chelle? Girl, you're SINGLE! And every since then, it's been a wrap. I did feel a bit guilty, however, seeing as how thoughts of the naughty things I would LOVE to do to Malachi have been clouding my mind lately. A girl get a couple of phone calls from a brotha and she don't know HOW to act! lol. But never once have I honestly considered giving up my fix for the Sauce and THAT'S where the guilt kicks in. Can a girl really have her cake and eat it too?

Loves and Likes Ya=> no matter how much I may whore around!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Feeling Sorry for the Fellas... Keep It 100!

Yea. I said it. I feel sorry for them sometimes. It's almost sad the way they're so OBLIVIOUS to what girls are thinking and wanting from them. What bought this thought on? My sister and her on/off boyfriend. *smh*

Riding in the car and hearing her express all the thoughts about him that she can't seem to tell him, I couldn't help but to think- Poor Seth. Do you realize that every word you say- or don't say is analyzed like a clue on CSI? Like, REALLY! And for most guys, it's the exact same for them. It would help if us women just tell the guys straight up what's what. But instead we second guess ourselves, gathering information from friends and family who aren't even qualified to give advice, just to give a half-ass attempt to communicate. I'm calling BS on the whole process! I am! Why can't you just tell a guy what's up? So what's a lil embarassment between homies/lovers/friends? At least everything is out in the open.

I chose this approach when I first asked Sauce to become my FB. Yeah- that's right- I asked HIM. The way how things were working out with the non-existent guys in my life (ok- the guys may be there but the way how I feel, they may as well not be) I knew I needed to get some release SOMEHOW. Sauce and I were hanging out a lil more often and although he played the cool friend- he's still a guy. And guys like ass. Hell, I like ass.So I put myself out there- potential embarassment and all- and a FB union was formed.

However, I didn't use the same open approach with Ced. After all the bad dates and study sessions, I just started ignoring his calls and texts instead of telling him. Today I got the most pitiful text from him.

hey what's up chelle guess u ain't pick up my phone calls was it something i did or said well its been real preciate it
Ain't hardly nothin bout that message grammatically correct. I mean, dang, can a girl get a comma, period, question mark or something? Jeez Louise! Sorry. Back to the subject at hand. It wasn't until I got this message (in the morning- while in the company of Sauce nonetheless) that I realized that MAYBE *pause* I handled the whole thing wrong with him. I mean, I try to keep it 100 with any guy I talk to- regardless of feelings- just because I want them to be the same with me. So me ignoring his calls/texts- makes me no better than Jay (can I get a moment of silence for the fineness that was Jay? **WHOOOOO** lmao) who started ignoring my texts after what I thought was a cool date or two. Even though I'm PRETTY damn sure the reason why I didn't hear back from him was because I denied him a taste of my honeybun. Hell, I didn't even nibble on his Snickers. Come to think of it- why didn't I? He was SEXXXY y'all! LOL. Bring me back chile, bring me back! LMAO

So at first I read his lil text, rolled my eyes, and threw my phone back in my purse. Then I started thinking- shouldn't I answer? Let him know why I don't really feel the need to be in his company any longer? Then I imagined all the back and forth that may involve. (Damn, I'm getting a headache just thinking about it. D really used to kill me with that talking in circles thing) Then I started thinking- well hell. He said "preciate it" didn't he? That implies some air of finalization on the topic, doesn't it? And that was that. Until the pitiful text message popped into my head again.

It takes balls to just put yourself out there like that. Ladies and/or Gents - how many times have you sent a text like that? Grasping for a hope that maybe you can salvage a spark you felt was there. Hell, I know I have! So don't front like you don't know what I'm talking about. He deserves an answer. No matter what feelings may get hurt or how long the back and forth may be. Bump that. There will be NO back and forth. I'll say my peace and that's that. Keep it 100- right?

Loves and Likes Ya => even if you keep it 100. lol

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Dave and BUSTERS

So...remember that post I did about the Sunday night date at Dave and Buster's with Ced? I mean- I know it was a while ago but Jeez Louise, I've been busy slacking! : p  Annnnywho! Usually Ced is blowing up my phone like he don't know no other numbers in the world. (I know that my grammar is incorrect but I like it like that)  So I found it unusual that I haven't heard anything from him that day. Especially since we were supposed to be meeting up later that night. I was wishing on all my wishes that he'll cancel, so I wasn't gonna call or text him or NOTHING. I was gonna be cool as a cucumber. After taking a nap and starting to settle in for a LifeTime movie, I look at the time (6 something), looked outside (light rain, dark clouds) and figured I'd give the lil negro a call to see what was up. We never set a time or anything like that and with any luck, he'll back out of it.

No such luck, Chuck. I find myself traveling north on 85 on the way to D&B. The whole time I'm trying to use Jedi mind tricks on myself- telling myself how good of a time I'm about to have. I mean, after all, it IS D&B and EVERYBODY has fun at D&B. Right? Wrong again!

I'm waiting on him- A-DAMN-GAIN- and now I'm thinking: Chelle, what the hell is going on? Why are you giving this guy so many chances? He's a good guy, that's why. Well hell, that doesn't mean he's good for you. What the hell can he do for you anyway???? Good question.

He comes breezing in and we hug and he's like super duper stoked. And I'm jealous. Because I wish that I shared the same sentiment. He wants to know what game produces the most tickets and we head over to where the basketball game is so he can play that and I can play skeeball. Unfortunately, all the skeeball lanes are taken so I'm stuck watching him go hamm on the game. And when I say hamm, I really mean SPAZ because he's spazzing out on the fact that the game only gives him 2 balls to shoot with and he only wins 2 tickets. So he's switching to the next goal that gives him like 3 or 4 balls to shoot with and I'm horrified at the fact that he's stealing balls from the other goals around him while other people are trying to play the game. Yeeeaaahhh. Embarassed, I walk away unnoticed and start to roam the area for games I would want to play. I really wasn't feeling it y'all. I wound up going to the bathroom and sitting in the rocking chair. I texted my sister and checked my facebook and my sister helped me remember I was on a date so I left the bathroom and went back to the basketball game. He was still there. By this time a skeeball lane has opened up. I flex my skeeball skills and I'm hitting the 50,000 and 40,00 and a couple of times I amost get the 100,000 and this boy is trying to tell me how to get the 100,000. So I ask if he wants to play (but I say it in the sista-gurl way, YOU know) but this fool used up ALL his tokens on the b-ball game. So I swipe my card and let him play one lane while I play another. With the way he skeeballed? He needed to ask ME for advice.

So we cash in the tickets and I'm ready to go but when I look at the time, only 45 minutes has passed! I promise it felt like every bit 3 hours! lol. I suggest we go see a movie. He wants to eat first. I'm thinking: I'm only gonna get a drink and an appetizer so we can speed this process up. We sit down and order our drinks. Chile, I ordered a DRANK! Some peach concoction. Peach Schnapps, Peach puree, vodka, and some other type of juice. He's bugging because...he's never seen anyone order a drink before? I mean, maybe not really, but it felt that way by the way he looked at me. And then he says,

"Wow. So you drink? Am I gonna have to drive you home tonight?"
 Off of one drink? Is he serious? By that time I was wishing two things=> 1. That D&B wasn't 25 mins from my house so I can 2. Tell the bartender to keep the drinks coming. He looks at the menu and says he doesn't have a taste for anything on the menu and that he can go for sushi. I roll my eyes on that and ask if he can ALWAYS go for sushi. I order a magherita pizza and he's sitting there, watching the game and watching me eat. AWKWARD. Conversation was LAME. He was a LAME and I was ret ta go. I got out my wallet and he stops me- I'm wondering if he's ACTUALLY gonna pay for something (he didn't have to pay for my gamecard since I still had one left from before with some tokens on it. Ain't like he asked ANYWAYS) but NOOOOOO! He wants to be a nosy ass and try to look at the cards in my wallet. Nigga is you stuck on stupid? Getthafuck outta my wallet! I was gone y'all. He reached for the hug- I sidestepped that joint like I was T.O. on the field. Too through y'all. That happened on the 28. I haven't answered nan call from him since. No texts. Don't deal with him in class. It is what it is.

You know what's funny? That day of the sushi date? Earlier that day I sent Sauce a text to see if he wanted to grab something to eat. His bum ass was still sleep and that's how I wound up with Ced. Sauce read the blog and thought it was hilarious and told me that I would've had to pay for him as well because he was broke too. I told him that I wouldn't have mind, and that was 100% true. First of all- Sauce and I have HISTORY. Which means that I don't mind paying his way from time to time because there were plenty of times when he paid my way. Second of all- The nature of the relationships are different. Sauce is on FB status. That allows him to be the bum-ass that he is. I don't have any expectations from him- I mean, other than one- but I'm not expecting him to escort me places and try to woo me. Ced was ultimately gonna be on boyfriend status. That means- you need to step your shit up. Because Kandi couldn't have sung it better:
"I don't ask no man for shit, and I don't beg no man for shit, but if he ain't spoilin me with gifts, than that ain't the man I'm with"
Meaning, yeah, I can pay my way but that doesn't mean I should HAVE to pay my way ALL the time. Spoil me. My last ex D. Yeah he was a cheapskate. But that didn't stop him from buying me flowers or gummi bears or books from time to time. I didn't ask him to, or even give hints, he just knew what kind of girl he was dealing with. A prize! Stop laughing y'all! lol

Loves and Likes Ya!

Monday, April 5, 2010


MARY B MORRISON IS COMING TO CHARLOTTE!!  I'm so excited. I've already put my time request form in. Here goes the info:

Mary B. Morrison's "Pajama Jam"

Friday, April 16, 2010

8:00 PM


RealEyes Bookstore & Boudreaux's Mill House

3306-B N. Davidson Street

Charlotte, NC 28205

New York Times Bestselling Author

Mary B. Morrison is coming to Charlotte!

RealEyes Bookstore and Touch One Productions bring you Mary B. Morrison's "Pajama Jam"!

Learn more about the erotic icon Mary B. Morrison, who also writes under the alias of "Honey B" at She has written a total of 13 novels including her newest release, "Married on Mondays". Mary is pro female empowerment and believes all women are worthy of living free from abuse and states in her novels, "Educate don't Procreate, No teenage girl should become a mother."

Come experience this unique event. Network, mingle, relax and be yourself. Food, music, alcohol, and fun!

Tickets- $20 ADV/ $30 at the door

Ages 21 & Up
Purchase your tickets by phone-

Call 704-377-8989

or stop by RealEyes Bookstore to purchase your tickets today!

Like I said- super duper excited. Trina and I will definitely be there

Sunday, April 4, 2010

How You Can Lose A Friend

This topic had been on my mind since I wrote y'all about me and Anjail cyberstalking E.G.F. (BTW: They checked out of the hotel at the end of February and are in LA now, getting their contracts and things in order. I wish them soo much luck!) I'm pretty sure y'all ain't on stalker status, but remember when I told y'all sbout me being snowed in and how something else happened? Well this is it, and it took me a hot lil minute to think of what I should call it but after a conversation with my Grandma, I decided to name it How You Can Lose A Friend- seeing as how APPROPRIATE it is.

My girl Shay. *shakes head and sighs* Is in love. Not that "Will and Jada" love. More like that "Jody and Yvette" love. Well hell- not even that. She's in that "stupid love" where all logical reasoning goes out the window. We're talking about a girl who has sooo much common sense coupled with a good amount of book smarts. And she just can't let it go. THAT kind of love? I just can't want y'all.

She's been with this guy for like 5 or 6 years. She's the father of her only son, who's 4. His career isn't all the way legal, but he's kept up a lifestyle that she's grown accustomed to. He's good looking- can be sexy if you like the tall dread-head look. Eh- he ain't got enough meat on his bones for me though. But he's a ho y'all. Like STRAIGHT UP. He has at least 3 kids outside of their relationship. He's cheated on her with numerous friends and cousins and...there's suspicion that he also cheated on her with her twin sister. I'll pause while you digest that tidbit.

So, on the phone with Grandma- she asked me how her other granddaughter was doing. At that time she (Shay) was going through some things with the boyfriend and I told Grandma about it. That's when she told me:

"I know her relationship is bad, but don't you say anything about it. You listen when she talks to you- but don't give her any advice. The quickest way to lose a girlfriend is talking about her relationship, because at the end- you guys won't be talking but she'll still be with that no-good man."
Sad but true. I've never really said anything about her relationship anyways because I know she gets it enough from our honorary mother Trina. But soo many emotions go through me when she tells me about the next thing he did. It's like I'm mad at him, mad at her, sad for her...chile *rolls eyes* She's a good person and she continues to let this guy walk over her time and time and time again. I don't get it. Maybe because I've never been in love. Or maybe because I've never seen any female in my family be stupid in love like that. Either way, it's not a good look.

So now she's moved out from the house. Got her own lil place and getting her Miss Independent on. I was proud of her. At first. Then I found out that she told him he has 6 months to get his stuff together. REALLY?!?!? He's had 6 YEARS to get his shit together. The guy is pushin 30. If he ain't worked it out by now? It ain't gonna get worked out boo-boo! Leopards don't change their spots and he ain't gon' change his cheating ways. Now how can I tell her all of that and still keep our friendship? Yea, thought so!

Loves and Likes Ya

Thursday, April 1, 2010

What's in Store????

Just a quickie from the phone (i'm lovin' it!) I have some good blogs on deck => How to Lose A Friend, Dave & BUSTERS, Wild Wing Night IV and Feelin' Sorry For the Fellas. Excited? I am. A teensy bit *nervous giggle*

Loves and Likes Ya!


Anthony(co-worker): Lady just walk in front of me and let the door slam in my face. What she mad at me fo'? I ain't sleep wit' her.

*WOOOOOOOW* said in Flava Flav voice.