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Thursday, November 5, 2009

What Does It Take To Get Fired From My Job?

Not that I am trying to get fired, I mean we do have a GREAT benefits package, but when I look at some of these shenanigans that my co-workers pull- it does make me wonder. I have worked here for almost 3 years (it's slightly depressing for me so we won't talk about it) and I've only seen 3 people get fired. Kenyatta was begging a guest for money and fighting with employees.Nevermind that the guest was flashing money like it was going out of style and constantly seeking "companionship" from us employees at the hotel. He let it be known that she owed him $300 and was asking for more. Of course there is probably more to the story but I will never know. Bernard tried to play Ms Boss Lady like the Sam Sausagehead she is.  His commonlaw wife was a housekeeper at the hotel while he did maintenance. She passed and he still had bills to pay so he continued "working" here. He would call the 1st shift and say "I'm on my way, go on head and clock me in" and call later that night to the 2nd shift and say "I forgot to clock out, can you do that for me?" Meanwhile, the maintanence slips were building up and everyone was looking for him! Lauren was mentally and verbally abusing guests from our best companies. She always had to be right. It's hard to admit defeat when some of our guests are condescending and conceited crybabies and all you want to do is rub their noses in their mistakes, but at the same time- we are a service industry, so that means you grin and bear it and get drunk after your shift.

Now it seems as if people don't care anymore. It starts with the managers. The general manager is in LaLa Land 70% and gone the other 30%. The ops manager is on Facebook,, Myspace, and Squirt. And if he's not doing that, he's shopping. Using the company card to buy whatever he can (real talk- I've seen the receipts) So the employees can just FEEL the ENERGY the managers are emitting, causing them to do whateva the hell they think they can get away with. I know I have made my share of mistakes but dangnabbit- I don't think it's fair for everyone else to do their extreme shit and get away with it! Now Leah, just as sweet as nana's peach cobbler and that is a problem. I'm suprised that she hasn't given away the place yet! No, seriously. Within one month she has checked in 2 hookers, a drug dealer, overbooked room types and seriously undersold us, causing us to lose money. The housekeepers are wildin out, half assing rooms and making us look bad so when the customer surveys come in- we fail them. It's the same problems over and over and over again and yet- it keeps happening. When is management going to kick some ass out here? I mean, I shouldn't care if they don't, right? But I still have pride in my job and myself and I feel bad when I don't perform as well as I know I can. Really the place ain't that bad, it's not like some run down crack spot. It's in a decent part of town and most of our clientele consist of business travelers and extended stay guests. It's nice enough for people to "oooh" when they come through the door. Hey, I know, let's do a list!

5 Ways To Get Fired From My Job

  1. KEEP IT 100% AND TELL THEM HOW YOU REALLY FEEL!  "You want me to wipe your ass for you as well since obviously you don't know how to do anything for yourself?" Yeah, I'll start doing inventory once you stop updating your Facebook status and get off your lazy ASS and do something?"

  2. SKIM A LITTLE BIT OFF THE TOP- you need gas money, don't you?

  3. THREATEN TO CALL HR ON THE MANAGER- after complaining about the schedule conflicts to the ops manager and the general manager, I got no response. What did this lil negro girl do? In a very risky move, I sent an email to the general manager's boss and that got her ass hoppin. If I try to do that again I'm sure the next move would be the unemployment line.

  4. THROW SOME PARTIES AT THE HOTEL- charge people a cover fee cuz you'll need that money when you get fired!lol

  5. START SOME DRAMA- and I'm not talking about no Hannah Montana/my mom is dating my teacher kind of drama. Remember that scene at the dinner table in the movie Why Did I Get Married? Go all out like that! Put all that backbiting shit people say and put it in front of their FACE! Watch the Meow Mix FLY!

**and for those who don't know what I'm talking about with #5- here goes the clip


Miss♥K said...

Wow- that's crazy...I know where you coming from though- its like you do your job and feel bad if you don't do it to the best o fyour ability and then you got folks that don't care- do whatever they want- tell the boss to suck it and they're around for years- thats crazy! Ive been there before- I was so frustrated before I was able to leave and move on...

Ms. ChelleBell said...

Exactly! All I keep thinking is- hold on til you get to that school girl