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Tuesday, March 16, 2010


That pretty much sums it up. No it doesn't. Y'all, I gotta vent.

So yesterday I had a study session with C. Do NOT roll your eyes or suck your teeth! We had a MAJOR exam today and when I say that boy needs help- well- the boy needs help. I honestly try to help him but he seems to have ADD or something and has a hard time focusing. I spend half the time chewing his behind out for not paying attention. I told him that if he doesn't start paying attention and actually doing what I tell him to do- then I'm not gonna waste anymore of my time by helping him. I don't care HOW cute the damn boy is. Remember- I walk that talk!

Anyways- so after about the 3rd ass-chewing of the night, I decide to let him take a break. I was still studying though- did you not read that it was a major exam? I'm sayin! So during his break- he's all like, "How's your sister, how's your dog, when am I going to meet her?" and I'm all like "She's good, she's good, I dunno- she doesn't really like guys" and so he's like- "What do you mean she doesn't really like guys?" and I'm like, "I dunno, the only guys she likes is my dad and my papa. Any other guy she just barks at the whole time." And he's like- "I'm talkin bout your sister. Not your dog." And that's so sweet that he wants to meet my sister. Especially since she already threatened me about him. What did she say?

"Now my party is coming up You didn't run off Ced did you, cuz I don't need you to be by yourself Its gonna be me and Seth, Sean and Kisha, Mimi and Jonathon, and I don't need you and Justin (Seth's younger brother who is too cute to be single) to be the 5th and 6th wheel like y'all always are (and we ALWAYS are) So whatever weird twisted thing you got goin on with Sauce gotta stop because I want it to be you and Ced."
Yes I am aware that there wasn't any punctuation in that paragraph, but that was how she told it to me, no pauses and no time for objections that she knew was coming.  So him commenting about my sister was kinda eerie. But honestly he is a stand-up kind of guy. Yeah he's nosey as hell and can get worked up about things- but all in all, he's cool. But y'all...smh, there's something else.

It happened again!

I mean, at least this time he tried to make it last by keeping distracted with other things, but if he can't last that long when I'm just giving him head- how's it gonna be when (or IF) we have sex? Is he gonna get up and excuse himself when it's starting to feel good? And if that's the case- how am I supposed to get MY jollies off?

Maybe it's just me?

Because- and I'm not even saying this to sound cocky- but I've been told that my head game is quite serious, but my ex D was able to keep his cool. Sauce doesn't do a bad job either. I can think of 2 other guys who busted kinda quick- but their quick wasn't as quick as Ced's.

I know that sex isn't everything in a relationship but IT IS TO ME! it is an important factor. I mean, we're all looking for that homie/lover/friend. So will it be wrong if Ced is the homie/friend while Sauce is the lover? Too much y'all- too much

Loves and Likes Ya