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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Umm Chelle...

Shay: What are you listening to?
Me: You don't know nothin bout this girl.
Shay: Clearly not.
Me: Wait for it....
(Bass Drops)
Shay: Aww shit now!

Doing that final stretch of the drive home, I needed something to keep me up. I turned to 3OH!3- one of my guilty pleasure albums. I love them because they're like the love child of Lil Jon and Fred Durst. Shay called to see how far along I was from home and how I was doing when she heard the beginnings of the song. Of course she wanted to know who in the sam hill I was listening to and I knew she would fall in love with it once the bass dropped- and I was right! lol. It does knock quite nicely in the car.
**This is just a fan made video by the way**

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