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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Another Case Against Marriage

   I meant to blog about this a while ago. Before that whole drama happened with the pills, Carmen was talking about taking me to this reggae spot and Terrell was all excited at the possibility of having me tipsy and windin up on him. SMDH. We were going to go on a Friday but I had to switch my plans up to save my vacay hours for the trips I have coming up. So the following Thursday, Carmen calls Terrell to see if he can lend her $20. He said he was broke. So tell me why he comes up to the job- fresh haircut, fresh outfit, and- the icing on the cake- a rented Dodge Challenger. Carmen and I are looking at each other like- WTF?

   Carmen asks him, "Whatchu got the car for?" He replies, "Just wanted to get it." Carmen says, "Oh, now I see why you ain't got 20 dollars to give me." He answers, "My wife got the car for me." Upon further conversation, I deducted that he got the car so we all can have something nice to roll up in when we go to the car. Let that be read as: he got the car to show off. Chile PUHLEEZE! Not impressed!

   How in the world you get your WIFE to pay for a rental car that you're using to pull OTHER CHICKS? Where they do that at?! Apparently, Charlotte. LOL. If this guy isn't a straight up dawg....

Loves and Likes Ya!