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Friday, April 30, 2010

Some People...

We all know a person who we wouldn't mind if they stepped off a curb and got hit by a car. Hold up- that was kinda harsh. Lemme rephrase that opening sentence.

We all know a person who we wouldn't mind if they stepped off a curb and got hit by a car. Hell- it felt right! Lol. Right now that person would be the newest addition to my hotel family. Joy(kill) King. This girl? I'm not sure WHERE they make her at- but they need to halt production ASAP.

First of all (gotta love a sentence that starts off that way) she graduated from college with a bachelor's degree for hospitality. Bad sign right there. Because already, you know they'll be over-eager and you can't tell 'em nothing because they learned it all in class.

Second of all, how you gonna be working somewhere for only two months and only 5 out of 30 coworkers like you? I mean, I understand that this is a job and not a popularity contest, but you don't need to burn any bridges. It's good to have a good working relationship with your coworkers so they can have your back when stuff goes down. The way how it's going now? If that chick is drowning, ain't nobody throwing the heffa a life jacket!

Third of all, it's not serious. It's NEVER that serious! The atmosphere is extremely relaxed at my job. I mean for heaven's sake- the general manager describes herself as PWT. So what's with all the extra this girl is doing? I mean, is she really complaining because there's not enough stuff to do? Where they do that at? And what's with all the notes and emails about what's been going on while the manager is not on property?

So we have this log book at the front desk called the Guest Issue Log. This girl writes paragraphs in this thing. She writes so much, that you can mistake it for her personal diary! And it's unnecessary stuff! So shit, I white it out. Yeah- I did it like twice. And in one of those emails, she said someone was whiting out her entries in the book. Excuse me while I roll my eyes. The icing on the cake was Trina telling her point blank:
"I just want to let you know, there is no room for promotion at this job. Everyone has been in there position for years and they're not going anywhere. Just thought you should know"
Yeah. Homegirl was standing there with the hushmouth stupid face and I was trying my damndest not to laugh out loud. And no, Trina wasn't being catty, it's the absolute truth. It's been a while since I made a list, so I think I should do one.

*Since there's a possibility that I will be leaving the job soon for bigger and better (cross your fingers for me guys) Let's call this list:

  1. Say what's on my mind.
Hey- looky there- that's all I have! Short list. Lol

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