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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Is It Bad...

...that last night I got a call from Malachi and I felt a little excited? He called while I was putting the finishing touches on my blog post last night. We chatted a bit. I told him about my recent  new job possibility. He asked if I ever thought of him, and he thought about me the other day in class and...heh heh heh- let's just say ya girl got skills! Excuse me while I POP MY COLLAR! Na, lemme stop. This darn work schedule always jack me up though :( while most people are partying it up, I'm working. Oh wells- guess it's better to earn $$$$ than to spend it.

The funny thing is Shara is waiting. She says she can't wait for me to meet a guy who would change my perspective on relationships and guys. YEA- I'm pretty sure that won't happen anytime soon. A guy is a guy,a dick is a dick, and a relationship is too much of a headache.

Loves and Likes Ya!