I know I didn't really touch on it much on Wild Wing Night Pt II but Antoine? Yeah. There was a minute when we were talking and he was just straight up staring at my girls. This was after the initial hello, and before the invite to Onyx. While I was sitting at the bar and talking with other people, I noticed his behivior. Flirting casually with Marci and some other white chicks. I gave him a little smile to let him know that I'm not the kind of girl to go running my mouth about other people's business like that. (I just write a blog about other people's business that anybody in the world can read. Yep. SMH) So on the way back from the restroom, he kinda corners me and that's when I mentioned that the idea of Onyx was bouncing around. He says-
"You know what happens at the Wild Wing, STAYS at the Wild Wing"SN: On the real, I am BLESSED so the girls are pretty much ALWAYS saying hello. They just happened to be saying it a little louder that night! lol. Still, I find myself self-consciously pulling my tank top up.
"Ain't nobody stuntin you boy!"
"Just sayin. You lookin good tonight. Got the girls out saying hello,"
"Unh-unh. Don't do that, you have them out for a reason."And he licks his lips. Officially turning me on and simultaneously turning me off at the same time.
Marriage. Especially when you're young. I dunno, it doesn't seem like the GREATEST idea in the book to me. Hell, I can barely keep interested in a boyfriend, I REALLY can't see myself with a husband. After working at the hotel for 4 years, I've seen it all. Married guys checking in with the band on their hand, wife calls by 9, guy is out hitting the bars by 10, comes back with random girl by 2. And let's not forget about Top Flight, who stills text and flirts with me on the regular. You know what though? I see the relationship that Barack and Michelle have, Will and Jada, and it does give me some kinda hope for the future. It's like you can look at them and see that not only are they husband and wife, but they're best friends as well. That's a relationship with a strong foundation. And I do believe that friendship is the best foundation for a relationship. Hell, I can get turned on by looking at someone with long thick fingers, but will we be friends?
I want to know what happened to taking the time to get to know somebody? You can't possibly learn everything you need to know about a person by a couple of talks on the phone and a couple of awkward dates! Shit takes time, I likes to take my time before approaching a new relationship. Imma need you (the guy) to stop worrying about being put in the "friend zone" just because I'm taking it slower than what you're used to. Just know that if you WERE put in the friend zone- you were gonna be put there regardless of the time it took.
Loves and Likes Ya
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