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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I May Be Crazy But...

After class Monday, I could've sworn I saw Ced's car following me. I was taking the back way so there was NO REASON for him to follow, seeing as he lives on the complete opposite side of town. I first noticed his car when I was pulling out of the parking lot. Now usually, I don't look in no one's rearview mirror (which is how I got my 2 speeding tickets), but something told me to last night and I noticed his car- keeping a respectful distance as to not get spotted.

I was thinking that ol' buddy has finally flipped his lid. I mean, he's never gotten the chance to see where I lived so maybe he was curious? IDK? All I know, is that I lost him when I went to the Dairy Queen. LMAO. You read right. Like the true fat girl I am, I was wanting a Blizzard. So I get in the left turn lane and when I saw the car approaching (in the right lane) I got a good look. I bet dollars to donuts that was him!

Loves and Likes Ya => but that doesn't mean you should stalk me