Me: ...but they didn't give me a ticket. It was crazy too, because I wasn't even sporting cleavage.
Malachi: Man I bet you never had to pay for a ticket in your life. Just flash a cop a tig ol bittie and nigga- you straight. I can't do that shit. I can't flash shit but a smile.
I knew I needed some drinks in me because it's been a rough day. Someone has been hacking into my e-mail and then subsequently hacking into my facebook. The culprit I suspected, the ex- D, called me at work- telling me his problems like I'm Dr. Phil. Too many guests needing too much stuff. Add that to the fact that no one wants to hire me, I can't take as many classes as I want to this semester because they didn't approve me for financial aid, and I desperately need to move out my parent's place. I'm feeling a bit down. Agitated and snappy are responses that come quick. I fb chat with Sauce about the hacking and ask him to have a drink with me. He's all responsible and whatnot, stating that he has work in the morning. BLAH BLEH BLUH. I get off chat with him and my phone is singing, "I'm addicted to're my addiction" MALACHI! Perfect timing or WHAT?! I need a distraction. We go to -where else?- Wild Wing and I buy the first 2 rounds. We're talking about religion, work, tattoos, and other stupid stuff. Just what I needed, pleasant company and strong drinks. :)
Loves and Likes Ya!=> and I may love you even more if buy the next round (;P)
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