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Saturday, July 10, 2010


 I try not to discriminate when it comes to music, Lord knows my musical tastes have always been a bit questionable. I mean really- how many 12 year old black girls you know that loved to listen to Prince and Aerosmith? But the face I made when my cousin from up north asked why I don't have more Wacka and OJ and Gucci in my iPod? That shit was PRICELESS!

Looking back at it now though, why did I respond the way I did? Is it because even though I get hype off of a little Gucci, in the back of my mind I know that this is straight coon music? And by coon music, I mean music with lyrics that degrade our community and don't contribute with a story. Am I any better just because I have some Common, Malik Yusef, Lupe and Wale in my Pod? You know, Wacka and 'em, somebody is vibing with their music because they're making more money than I am and the radio is playing it in rotation. They're making their music and having their dreams come true, so who am I to shoot them down just because it may not, particularly, be my cup of tea. I'm all for shaking my ass and wanting to start a fight in the club off a song, not mad at it at all. So let me bring my nose down from the clouds.

Loves and Likes Ya => no matter who you listen to