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Friday, February 19, 2010

Just Saying

I know that I don't really blog about current events, but something has been on my chest...

Who in the HELL do we think we are?

I understand that Tiger Woods is a role model to some, but who are we to demand for him to break his "silence"? We did the same thing when Chris and Rihanna went through their drama. I, personally, feel as if it's THEIR business. I don't understand why Tiger can't just settle his business with his wife- and that's that. Do we REALLY have to know all about their marital woes? So WHAT Tiger had some hoes? Most guys do- the only difference is he got CAUGHT! (on a sidenote though- Tiger thought he'd get away with that bs on that white girl, he wasn't expecting that sistagirl to come out of her. *snickers to myself*) 

So will I tune into the press conference? No, but I'll go on ahead and check out what my girl Tasha has to say about it on

Loves and Likes Ya


Miss♥K said...

Yea it's a shame that they can't just leave him be-he's a man- that has NOTHING to do with his golf game!!! He owes NO ONE but his wife an explanation-but this is what comes with fame- your life is u nder a microscope- I won't be tuning in either-