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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What It Do?

I MISSED Y'ALL!!! I mean IT! Sooo much has been happening and I didn't want to leave my 2.5 readers out in the dark on the happenings of my life, lol. Exams and classes are finished, (not a single damn A, all B's, but I'm not that surprised seeing as how I pretty much do the bare minimum)

Well, like I mentioned before- a new job. Or so I thought! I went through 2 different interviews, criticized for hair color, filled out NUMEROUS paperwork, and for WHAT??!? For them to say that they'll pay me $1.73 LESS than what I'm making now? BLASPHEMY! I know what you're thinking..."Well Chelle, how did you let it get that far?" That was straight up ignorance on my behalf. The hotel I applied to was a full service Hilton property in the ritzy part of town. I just ASSUMED that I would be making the same salary or more. I mean, it makes sense! Don't you expect to pay more for the Whopper than you do for the Whopper Jr? Alright then! This experience is the influence for one of my future posts- Are black people as prepared for the business world as white people? Good question...

A new home- came about unexpectedly. I know that I haven't really touched on my family life. I mean, I talked about my fam up north but not about the family I'm stuck with down here. Wait, that didn't sound right. Well, I'll let you see for yourself in one of my new posts talking more about marriage- when to compromise, when to pass the ball and when to ball hog that bitch!

Lackluster love life is...getting there. No Sauce, he's spreading the love on someone else's sandwich. (SEE. See how I did that clever play on words??? :p) Ced is long gone, definitely don't have to worry about him now that the semester is over- thank ya Jesus. Malachi is still in the picture- boy is he IN THE PICTURE. All I have to do is frame him. Naaa, I'm still feeling him out and having fun while doing so! lol <> You MAY hear about it. It's kinda steamy soooo...yea. ALSO another post influenced about these crazy guys and Shay's poor man troubles- Knowing Your Self Worth. That should be a fun one!

So you see, I got lots planned for us. I hope you're still riding with ya girl

Loves and Likes Ya!